Our Vision

Sound Foundation Community Care works to inspire people to take greater care, develop awareness of and responsibility for their health and wellbeing by enabling access to and delivery of events and programs that support sound health and wellbeing for people in 6 key areas: health & wellbeing, sound healing, aged care, youth, education and groups experiencing social / economic disadvantage.


The History of Our Charity

Inaugurated in 1993 as the Sound Foundation a charitable trust, on the 1st April 2015, we were very pleased to announce our incorporation as Sound Foundation Community Care, a charitable company limited by guarantee (Company No: 09400037) registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales (Charity No: 1160449).

Our change of name and charitable vehicle offered the Board of Trustees a more robust foundation upon which to hold the expanding charitable work of the charity for public benefit. Almost all that was the Sound Foundation was transferred over to the new incorporated charity body (a CLG), including the existing Board of Trustees who continue to manage the Sound Training Centre in Tytherington, Somerset.