Aged Care
With an increasing ageing local population, the Sound Foundation Community Care has, with the support of professionals trained in the therapeutic benefits of sound, been sponsoring a programme for aged care which focuses on the healing quality of sound giving those they are working with the opportunity to connect, interact and have fun with sound and singing in support of improving their wellbeing.
Examples of charitable activities and grants to date:
- Sponsored a Pilot Programme Aged Care Initiative – Interactive Singing Programme for Wellbeing. In response to national findings on the call for greater support needed in aged care, the charity agreed to support a community volunteer initiative offering regular visits to local aged care homes to deliver an interactive singing program that engaged residents in sound activities aimed at improving health and wellbeing. The Pilot was fully volunteer funded apart from a small travel grant of £100. Participation was free of charge.
- Sponsoring of ongoing Aged Care Program – Interactive Singing Program for Wellbeing. Continues to offer residents of Aged Care homes in the local area the opportunity to connect, interact and have fun with sound and singing in support of improving their wellbeing, with the support of professionals trained in the therapeutic benefits of sound. Participation continues free of charge
- Sponsored a 1940’s Celebratory Community Party for the aged, their family and carers, offering a delicious meal and interactive singing program of songs from the era. It also provided an opportunity to experience the proven therapeutic benefits of interactive singing to support self expression and self worth by celebrating the elderly in the community and their life experiences. Attendance was free of charge.
“It feels like you have bought Frome together. There are people here who I have not seen for years. It’s wonderful.”
Thanks for the invite to the Sound Foundation Lunch today, we really enjoyed it and met some very nice people